Hey Dad,
When the Clash of the Titans remake was released last year, I watched the previews and watched Liam Neeson bellow “release the Kracken” over and over. One day, while riding in the car with D, I paused mid-sentence and burst out “OH! KRAKEN, not CRACKIN’.” You used to say that over and over to us girls when we weren’t moving as quickly as you wanted us to, or when you wanted to motivate us to get started on a job and somehow–although I am familiar with the Kracken as sea creatures–it took me 29 years to realize that you were quoting a movie line. I wish I’d shared that story with you, because I think you would have really enjoyed hearing me try to verbalize what I thought it meant to “unleash the crackin’.” All I can say in my defense is that you didn’t always make sense, and it’s been years since I’ve heard you say it anyway.
Crackin’ vs. Kracken
Posted by admin
on April 2, 2011
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